Hardware coffee morning one

20.20, Tuesday 25 Nov 2014

Last Thursday’s hardware-ish coffee morning was fun. Lovely to spend time with Tom, Charles and David, Daniel, Alex, Dan, Basil, and Ben. Thank you for coming!

Although… Too Many Dudes. Something to fix for next time.

Here’s a pic of our sign to alert people that this was a Coffee Morning With Intent.

And Ben is part of Knyttan which does on-demand knitted jumpers on industrial knitting machines. Here he is wearing the test pattern, which had a lot of fans.

So, what happened? We sat round a table and people chatted with people. Zero structure, except for 5 minutes for everyone to say their names and what they’re doing at moment (arcade machines, newspapers, jumpers, just interested). Plus coffee. I think everyone left at about 11. I’m not sure what everyone else discussed but I had a chat about telescopes and another about what a “minimum viable product” is in hardware, and also I found out about a hardware/making cluster at Somerset House, all of which was very enjoyable.

Conclusions. I like coffee and I like mornings and I liked chatting with everyone. There will be another! Probably next week. I’ll let you know.

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