Hardware coffee morning

12.18, Monday 17 Nov 2014

tl;dr let’s hang out this Thurs. and chat hardware

I think it was the week before last, I had just got back from holiday, and I had three meetings with hardware startups, all wanting to talk through what they were doing, and each at a different stage. Some of what we were talking about was startup stuff - like, what to do first - and some was technical (what code should run where?) - and most of it was, you know, let’s just chat through this.

It was fun for me for a couple of reasons. First because there is a hardware boom in London and that’s exciting. There are some great hardware-focused meetups, and some good semi-private communities, but I find the chitter-chatter especially enjoyable. The second reason is that, with Berg gradually taking less of my time, I find myself (a) wanting to lend a hand, even in a small way, to people getting going with products and hardware etc; and (b) missing hanging round smart people with that particular bent and learning from them.

I guess that’s one of the things I love about hardware and the Internet of Things and all that nonsense. You can go from embedded software to supply chain via character design in a single conversation, and that appeals to my Attention Gadabout Disorder.

So what I’m saying is, we should see more of each other.

Coffee mornings

I’m inspired by Russell Davies’ coffee mornings that he did for a year or two back in 2006/7. A regular spot, an open door, and a good crowd. Let’s do it!

9.30am till whenever, Thursday 20th, The Book Club.

(3 days from now.)

I’m a bit of a morning person, sorry about that.

No agenda except coffee and hanging out. But if you’re into hardware (making or manufacture), Internet of Things, knitting, shops, China, sending stuff through the post, so on and so forth, please feel particularly welcome. Tom’s coming along, it’d be lovely to see you too. If it’s fun we’ll do it again.

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