Coffee morning three

12.25, Monday 15 Dec 2014

Pop the date in your calendar! Coffee morning three is this week. Sort-of-hardware-ish.

Thursday 18 December, 9.30am till whenever, the Book Club in Old St.

Coffee morning two was fun. This will be the same… Zero structure, many conversations all about nonsense maybe with a slight hardware bent, a half dozen or so people, open to anyone!

I’ve been thinking about why I’m organising this coffee mornings, beyond the whole “there isn’t enough time in the day to meet all the interesting people I’d like to, so meet everyone on Thursday mornings” thing, and because I really enjoy introducing people to other people and having that work. I think it’s because there’s a mode of thinking which I miss now I’m no longer working in a studio, and that’s informality. It’s the tea-in-the-kitchen chats that make me laugh and spark new thoughts. And that sort of informal serendipity comes from a weird mix of rhythm and randomness. Which means I like having a regular time but not regular attendees. It’s just whoever fancies coming that day… I don’t want to build a community! But maybe a street corner. I think I’ll carry on these coffee mornings into 2015, every couple of weeks probably.

So, next coffee morning is this Thursday, hopefully see you there, and let’s chat! If you see someone you don’t know, say hello, and if you think two people should talk then make that happen! Recreational catalysis.

There may be crackers containing festive hats. It depends on how organised I am.

Come along!

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