Hey gang, this is a rare scheduling note!
If you get this blog as an email newsletter, I’m switching newsletter platform. Please read on for details.
You may have forgotten who I am:
I’m Matt Webb. I’ve been writing here at interconnected.org since February 2000. Aide-memoire: my recent projects and potted history.
Currently I post here approx weekly on topics such as: AI, hardware, the weirding of tech, speculative design, and whatever I’ve been reading recently about the Late Neolithic or asteroids or whatever.
You can get the latest posts in three ways:
- Visit this website at interconnected.org/home
- RSS: add this RSS feed to your newsreader app (learn about RSS feeds)
- Email: subscribe to the newsletter (it’s free) to get new posts straight to your inbox.
I no longer auto-post updates to X/Twitter.
If you already read this blog as an email newsletter, some changes:
The newsletter platform is changing this coming week! This post is being sent via Mailchimp, but Mailchimp went on the fritz last week, and for some reason sent out the same post three days in a row before I could stop it (sorry!).
For email subscribers, all future posts will be sent using Buttondown. You don’t need to do anything. I will migrate the subscriber list. But check your spam folder if you don’t see any emails more recent than this one (deadline: the end of the first week of September). The From address will be the same: matt+blog@interconnected.org
The new unsubscribe link will be at the bottom of next week’s email. Here’s the new subscribe link.
However you read, thanks for reading!
The extrapolated Earth
I rarely use images in posts. But sometimes I do, and I need to test if they still work.
So here’s a map of the extrapolated Earth.

The coastline of a greater world lay before my eyes…
Here’s my post about it from 2021.
As part of the move from Mailchimp to Buttondown, I’ve also had to re-jig a bunch of how my email is configured. Don’t ask.
So while I would usually say, any problems get in touch, there’s a decent chance that if the new newsletter doesn’t work, my email will also be broken completely.
Which might be a blessing tbh.
I long to be like Donald Knuth:
I have been a happy man ever since January 1, 1990, when I no longer had an email address. I’d used email since about 1975, and it seems to me that 15 years of email is plenty for one lifetime.
Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things.
hashtag life goals.
Hey gang, this is a rare scheduling note!
If you get this blog as an email newsletter, I’m switching newsletter platform. Please read on for details.
You may have forgotten who I am:
I’m Matt Webb. I’ve been writing here at interconnected.org since February 2000. Aide-memoire: my recent projects and potted history.
Currently I post here approx weekly on topics such as: AI, hardware, the weirding of tech, speculative design, and whatever I’ve been reading recently about the Late Neolithic or asteroids or whatever.
You can get the latest posts in three ways:
I no longer auto-post updates to X/Twitter.
If you already read this blog as an email newsletter, some changes:
The newsletter platform is changing this coming week! This post is being sent via Mailchimp, but Mailchimp went on the fritz last week, and for some reason sent out the same post three days in a row before I could stop it (sorry!).
For email subscribers, all future posts will be sent using Buttondown. You don’t need to do anything. I will migrate the subscriber list. But check your spam folder if you don’t see any emails more recent than this one (deadline: the end of the first week of September). The From address will be the same:
The new unsubscribe link will be at the bottom of next week’s email. Here’s the new subscribe link.
However you read, thanks for reading!
The extrapolated Earth
I rarely use images in posts. But sometimes I do, and I need to test if they still work.
So here’s a map of the extrapolated Earth.
Here’s my post about it from 2021.
As part of the move from Mailchimp to Buttondown, I’ve also had to re-jig a bunch of how my email is configured. Don’t ask.
So while I would usually say, any problems get in touch, there’s a decent chance that if the new newsletter doesn’t work, my email will also be broken completely.
Which might be a blessing tbh.
I long to be like Donald Knuth:
hashtag life goals.