Hardware-ish coffee morning, Weds 5th

12.55, Monday 3 Jul 2017

dink dink is this thing on


I hereby announce that I have been really busy all of 2017 so far and therefore there has been no hardware-ish coffee morning yet. So we’re just going to write off the first half of the year. Just like that. Done.

Wednesday 5 July, 9.30am for a couple of hours, at the Book Club, 100 Leonard St.

What is a hardware-ish coffee morning? I barely remember, we’ll have to make it up. As far as I remember: No intros, no presentations. We take over a corner at a handy cafe and seriously talk to EVERYONE it’s worth it. Bring prototypes if you have em, and if you don’t then your good self is enough… We’ve had manufacturers, hardware startups, product-curious agency folks, a baby or two, diletantes and job hunters. Chatty chat chat.

Might be 5 people, might be 25, might be just me and my email. I’m betting on 12 people and you should believe me because I won £11.80 on there being a hung parliament and £15 on Trump getting in so I’ve got form. Feel especially welcome if you are NOT A DUDE because it’s weird if it’s tons of dudes.

Anything else? Don’t think so. My blog was broken but I fixed it just to post this. See you on the 5th.

(As previously posted to the coffee morning announce list.)


A great turnout this morning! People who signed the register were Ed and Antton from Flock (pay-as-you-fly insurance for drones), Markus and Alex from product development and production firm RPD, Abigail and David of digital product agency Pixie Labs, and Kaye and Richard of crowdfunding launch assist agency Paved With Gold. It wasn’t all people doubling up. Some came along on their lonesome: brilliant to see Tom E from parenting hardware startup BleepBleeps with a production-run version of his new product (and a prototype of the next one), Tom A fresh from launching his DIY musical instruments project Foxfield, Tamar from Soda which is doing exciting things in retail and launching a concession in Selfridges (!!), plus Dan, Phil, and most importantly Deb who prompted this coffee morning reboot! _(And I wonder whether this will prompt a reboot of her email newsletter Metafoundry…) _

Thanks for coming y’all!

Too many conversations to keep up with, but my particular morning included Snapchat Spectacles, how to keep time ring-fenced to contemplate the future, the pros and cons of showrooming, and Jeremy Bentham’s head.

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