San Francisco hardware-ish coffee morning

20.37, Wednesday 29 Jul 2015

Last week’s coffee morning was awesome – 20 people, a bunch of demos: music-box software, razor handles (not all hardware is internet-connected), battery monitoring tech for sub-Saharan Africa. Tons of chitter chatter. I promised to send an email with a list of who was there, I’ll do that soon.

But first! Next week I’m in San Francisco, so I figured, well, we could have one there. Let’s try this…

Thursday 6th August, 9am-ish for a couple of hours. Sightglass Coffee, Soma district (270 7th Street, San Francisco.)

Here’s what happens. It’s so informal, no introductions. We just find a table and talk about the weather and the cricket. It’s nice-not-compulsory to be interested in the hardware world… do bring a demo if you are, I’m always curious to see what’s going on.

I’ve never been to Sightglass before. It might be terrible. I’ll try to make the world’s tiniest sign on a post-it.

Anyway ALSO I’ll be at Foo Camp which is this coming weekend, so do say hi if you’ll be there too.

It’d be lovely to hang out. Londoners, normal service will be resumed soon. Keep your eyes on the announce list.

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