|My Diary|

My Diary:


The Journals

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© Daniel Franc and respective


Writer: I spent most of the night at R's [the friend from here] and had horrible dreams for the rest of the night. When I woke up in the morning, I said to myself: "All is over". And I wanted to start studying for the school. But there are clubs going up and down in front of my eyes, people are crying and protecting their heads. Then it happened what should not have happened -- few other friends showed me how it was on Narodni trida. One is unable to speak from shock. Jesus, where are you???

I spent the whole day listening to the broadcast of radio Free Europe or at R’s, who is completely down. It is said that there has been a rather small demonstration today at the Vaclavske sq., which was broken up by the bastards. People then went to the Narodni trida to put candles there later -- marks of blood were still on the ground!

Another rumor says that all theatres are closed today. Discussion groups are held everywhere and university students are leading the way. It is said that there is a terrible lot of injured people from yesterday! A whole-week strike of theatres and universities is being planned. The general strike is scheduled for Monday from 12 to 2 pm. We have to succeed! THIS CAN’T BE TOLERATED ANY MORE!!!

My parents don’t understand me at all. People who had not been there cannot understand what kind of hell it was. But now, now it starts falling down, and it will fall down with a noise not heard here before. None knows what will happen tomorrow.

Oh Lord, don’t leave us!

