16.47, Wednesday 3 Jul 2002

Linguistics is a whole lot broader than I realised. In the Conventionalist view of knowledge, there's a gulf between the objective universe (a deep structure we can never know) and subjective truth. This pulls together science, the nature of reality and how we know things. And given this has to live in Popper's World Three, cultural knowledge, this construct needs to be communicated: linguistics. Our reality and how we talk about it are actually closer than our reality and objective reality. It all seems so now, so absolute fucking whitecap of the now-wave. It's important! This is how I consider the universe! This is how I've grown up! It's poetry, that this all touches me so deeply.

And so maybe as well as a metaphor coherence within language, maybe there's a kind of meta-coherence between knowledge, reality, linguistics. All these parallels: maps and territories [thanks jo], words and the is-ness, Worlds One and Three. So, once upon a time, when the prevailing theory of knowledge was Justificationist and our experiences were one-and-the-same-as objective truth, this would have ramifications across reality itself. No wonder they all believed in god so completely. A mental experience is the same as truth.

There's more! Maybe before people only did experience a small part of reality. We were powerless against nature. But how our experiences do indeed feed back on reality. It's obvious our conceptions aren't the same as truth, or as each other's. We overlap, we interfere more. We live epic, massive lives. Telluric forces. Our interaction with Earth is of relativistic proportions where we can no longer be Newtonian Justificationists, our contribution to reality is such that by observing we change. The noösphere is thickening.
