12.08, Friday 12 Jan 2001

Calling All Angels: "Angels want to surround us and help us. Here are some ways to call the angels in". What the fuck? How can people believe this? We live in an age where it's seen as a good thing to believe indiscriminately, and to encourage others to do so -- which completely undermines the quest for knowledge by shared endevour. I really want to know whether "Doreen Virtue" really believes what she writes, or if she justifies it by saying it's a metaphor, or If It Helps People Then It's Okay. This is taking advantage of people searching for meaning. At least give them something solid, with foundation.

On another note, the article interface is quite impressive with a right-hand frame reserved for comments. Of course, the comments themselves are just as crazy: "I think, that Michael Jackson is a real Angel. I do believe that he was sent from god to protect and care for children". Ooookay.