19.05, Friday 31 Mar 2000

So what have I been up to? I've regained my faith in MySQL. I spend yesterday learning how to use indexes properly and it's made such a difference. That almost makes up for having to rewrite loads of Dirk. Version 2 should be finished soon; hopefully faster, and easier to expand. WAP here I come.
And what else... I was playing today with a page to announce the end of the cola wars but then I thought it would be fun to have a survey to see how many people drank what. Then that become a thing for people to answer all sorts of questions so we could match Coke and Pepsi drinking to personality types. And then that became a neural network taking as its input a short questionnaire which guesses your preferred cola. It's trained in an evolutionary way, one generation each questionnaire filled. Um, and that's why it's taking so long.