The Great Flood is usually dated not 70 thousand years ago, but about 3,000 years BC. A local event that has been magnified by time.
3000 BC. That was also the rise of the Sumerians in Mesopotania -- the appearance of the wheel, astrology, calendars, and writing.
And the unification of Egypt, same time. Stonehenge in England. Civilisation in China, the Yang-Shao culture... 3000 BC.
The ancient Mayan calendar, from ancient central America. Day 1: August 12th, 3,114 BC.
So, my favourite explanation for what happened.
And this comes from the Dogon people in Mali, something some anthropologists discovered in the 1970s. They listened to their myths, and what they heard was about Sirius - the brightest star in the night sky, what we call the Dog Star - and about alien visitors coming from Sirius, in 3000 BC. And these aliens are a kind of fish-men, aquatic people who have perfected space flight. And in these myths, Sirius isn't just one star, there are two of them.
And you know what. When you look at Sirius, the Dog Star, which is 8.6 light years away, but still the brightest star in the night sky; when you look at Sirius through a telescope, you see something which is not visible to the naked eye, which is that Sirius is not one star, it's a binary system, Sirius is two stars... Sirius A and Sirius B -- and the story told in these myths of the Dogon people in Mali, in Africa near the civilisations that emerged in 3,000 BC, the information is true!
And there's two explanations for how this is the case.
The first is that the Dogon people were INDEED visited by aquatic aliens, Dog Star fish-men in star-ships, who visited from Sirius B, and told them things they could not have possibly known about Sirius the binary star system, Sirius A and Sirius B, 8.6 light years away, invisible to the naked eye, in the year 3,000 BC.
Oooooor, the Dogon people knew this because they met the European astronomers who travelled to Mali in the 1930s.
One of the two, who can say! Who. Can. Say.
I certainly can't.
Matt Webb, Web Directions South 2014 (Sydney, Australia), October 2014