Telegraph, lights, fractional horsepower, computers.

The final coming-to-life of electricity I think, the next stage in its 100 years history, is the network. Not just the Internet, but things, everything.

The network doesn't belong in screens, phones, tablets.

The Internet won't stay trapped behind glass.

Look. What if, what if...

Those Tsukumogami, those Japanese artifact spirits... it's not that modern artifacts don't become aware and come to live because the spirits are repelled by electricity.

It's that they were waiting for electricity to reach its 100th birthday, for electricity itself to start to come to life.

That's what we're experiencing right now, when electricity - evolved into information - escapes matter.

And everything gets networked and, suddenly inhabited by spirits, the network like an astral place,

cyberspace like a spirit world for electrical artifacts, for computers,

it all comes to life.

Source: Guide to Black MIDI

Matt Webb, Web Directions South 2014 (Sydney, Australia), October 2014