"@genmon Anyway, you'd be tatty too, if you'd been stood on Slough station for 114 years. Cheeky git."
A sarcastic dead dog in a box!
People, PEOPLE, today I am hear to say to you: This. Is. The. Future.
Okay. Not dead dogs in boxes necessarily.
But this feeling, this magical feeling when the world comes to live and starts speaking back to you.
It's not about technology, it's not about wi-fis and bluetooths and screens and the whatever else the Internet of Things is made of. It's about this feeling, this relationship, this connectedness, that suddenly I have this connection with the world around me that I didn't have before, and I feel it at a human level because it's emotional and conversation, and that's powerful. It's a powerful thing.
I know this is small and trivial - although Station Jim probably doesn't think so, a bottleneck population of one, stuck in that box on Platform 5 - but I think back to the Toba catastophe, or you know, to the First Fleet, and I know that where we start matters.
Matt Webb, Web Directions South 2014 (Sydney, Australia), October 2014