2003-10-12 The Sciences of the Artifical, notes (book by Herbert Simon, early systems theory.) # p8 The reasons objects have boundaries... there should be a continuum of what can be affected and what can't, manipulated in order to survive better in the environment. But actually in the internal environment it's easier to do because it can be done with the genome, and everything outside is phenome and behaviour to manipulate. So there's a surface tension - in distance terms - and the two (internal and external) move further apart. (Because there's total knowledge of inside, whereas outside requires sense organs.) And also, we work by predicting behaviours based on other behaviours. Behaviours are like shapes, and interfaces are always pretty similar. From Sophie's World, last night [I wrote this paragraph on 2003-10-03], on Plato: Plato identified the problem of "why do things behave in similar ways?" -- and said they all obey the same "ideas"/ideals. Bateson in the book (mind/nature) I just read *also* saw this problem. As did Deleuze (explained in Delanda VS&IP), and solved it with multiplicities and manifolds. Which all sounds a bit like the dynamic core of the brain (a universe of consciousness). # p13 """ A bridge, under its usual conditions of service, behaves simply as a relatively smooth level surface on which vehicles can move. Only when it has been overloaded do we learn the physical properties of the materials from which it is built. """ Cybernetic statements, or bridges, are wormholes or negative distance between two points. But to be so they have to be seamless -- that is, in real life you can cross a bridge without noticing you're leaving a road (within limits). Online a link between two points, say in a computer program or a web application, has very tiny limits indeed. Memory conditions, or having to marshall into XML to make a function call. Telepresence isn't seamless either: it's an imitation of somebody being around, you'd never get confused about where the boundary was. One day our wormholes will be seamless (within limits) and be proper bridges -- at the moment they're just fording rivers. Also... """ Artificiality connotes perceptual similarity but essential difference, resemblance from without rather than within. In the terms of the previous section we may say that the artifical object imitates the real by turning the same face to the outer system, by adapting, relative to the same goals, to comparable ranges of external tasks. Imitation is possible because distinct physical systems can be organized to exhibit nearly identical behaviour. The damped spring and the damped circuit obey the same second-order linear differential equation; hence we may use either one to imitate the other. """ Shapes! I think it's interesting that Simon really pushes the point that systems can be similar. That's the conduit metaphor all over. So he concentrates a lot on the similar behaviour of systems, but not enough on the functions that join levels together, that distinguish shapes (interfaces, faces) from one another and allow implicature between levels. # p17 """ Resemblance in behaviour of systems without identity of the inner systems is particularly feasible if the aspects in which we are interested arise out of the organization of the parts, independently of all but a few properties of the individual components. """ and """ A computer is an organization of elementary functional components in which, to a high approximation, only the function performed by those components is relevant to the behaviour of the whole system. """ So we model reality into levels, and *then* we build artifical systems that conform even more strictly to our model. # p19 Some nice terms about the "common organizational features" of computers (and he is indeed studying them like a biologist would an animal, as he said he would). """ They almost all can be decomposed into an active processor (Babbage's "Mill") and a memory (Babbage's "Store") in combination with input and output devices. """ (There's an article in this month's IEEE Computer magazines about GPUs -- it talks about the 'computational engines' on the chip.) # p34/35 """ modern economies cannot function well without smoothly operating markets. ... market processes commend themselves primarily because they avoid placing on a central planning mechanism a burden of calculation that such a mechanism, however well buttressed by the largest computers, could not sustain. """ Then why don't companies operate using markets? In fact, how could markets even be interfaced with them? (Actually, Simon says later that there's an internal environment and an external one, and it's the limit between that says where hierarchic organisation is needed, and where market.) But this is the good bit about markets: """ -- the computational limits of human beings: The most significant fact about this system is the economy of knowledge with which it operates, or how little the individual participants need to know in order to be able to take the right action. ... At least under some circumstances, market traders using a very small amount of mostly local information and extremely simple (and non-optimizing) decision rules, can balance supply and demand and clear markets. """ *Local* information! The distribution of information defines a space. (There's a bit that follows about what information you need to make fully rational decisions. Future behaviours of things. But that's computationally expensive, so alternatively you can use feedback: we don't know when it's going to snow, but still the snowploughs come out.) # p36 (a system can be steered using feedforward, predicting the future, and feedback to correct errors of the past...) """ However, forming expectations to deal with uncertainty creates its own problems. """ (Destabilising effects, etc. And that's 'expectations' in the Popper sense too. ie, not just a response pattern, but response-to-the-response and so on.) I mailed this to Tom S, about "moving together" (as opposed to just association networks) and this section (I've also just read Universe of Consciousness, about the brain): The concept of 'moving together' crops up a lot in cybernetics, and also recent continental philosophy. Coordinated events links things together. Which makes me think... I remember reading something about epilepsy and the corresponding lack of consciousness as to do with the hypersynchronised firing of neurons. Which sounds very much like what happens in a stockmarket crash (or in a bubble): individually rational subunits (brokers) using information systems (some shared, some not shared), and a pervasive external environment/value system (the market figures) someone synchronise and all sell at once, causing the crash, but are *still* acting rationally. Which makes me wonder whether there are lessons that could pass either way -- how can the synchrony be disrupted? What causes the breakdown in homeostasis? # p45 """ We can summarize our account of the respective roles of markets and organizations in a modern society as follows: (1) organizations find their niches wherever constellations of interdependent activities are best carried out in coordinated fashion in order to remove the need for individuals' outguessing each other; (2) the human motivation that makes organizations viable and alleviates the public goods problems that arise when individual efforts cannot be tied closely to individual rewards is provided by organizational loyalty and identification; (3) in both organizations and markets, the bounds on human rationality are addressed by arranging decisions so that the steps in decision making can depend largely on information that is locally available to individuals. """ # p79 The footnote... """ I may mention in passing that Siklossy's system refutes John Searle's notorious "Chinese Room Paradox," which purports to prove that a computer cannot understand language. As Siklossy's program shows, if the room has windows on the world (which Searle's room doesn't) the systems matches words, phrases and sentences to their meanings by comparing sentences with the scenes they denote. """ (actually Siklóssy.) The point being, perhaps, that the brain works by association. That's there's a perception, a sensation in the brain, and the word is associated with that. Mind you, that Chinese thing is bollocks. One of the cards coming in could be "assume the word 'not'" in front of all subsequent sentences. The books could cope with that, sure, but the complexity could not be any less than a brain itself, in face an embodied brain (I don't think it's reducable from being embodied). That 'not' could be 'give me the md5 hash of an MRI of your brain'. So at a certain point you have to say if the room is going to behave exactly like a person, it has to *be* a person. Maybe. # p88 """ We can think of the memory as a large encyclopedia of library, the information stored by topics (nodes), liberally cross-referenced (associational links), and with an elaborate index (recognition capability) that gives direct access through multiple entries to the topics. Long-term memory operates like a second environment, parallel to the environment sensed through the eyes and ears, through which the problem solver can search and to whose contents he can respond. """ (that last sentence especially. A second environment, like "the remembered present" (Universe of Consciousness). Or a constructed present. Like a 3d rendered scence which is half bottom-up constructed (so it can be disassembled and physics applied to the components) with whatever is not understood added in by texturemaps. Perceived environment is constructed environment + senses.) On a doctor making a diagnosis: """ Thus the search is conducted alternately in each of two environments: the physician's mental library of medical knowledge and the patient's body. Information gleaned from one environment is used to guide the next step of the search in the other.""" (all of which sounds much like the pull/push of evolution. Push to an adaptive feature, pull to make exaptive use of it. Push to create an OS or application with hooks, pull to move it into the ecosystem and create more niches. Push with the hierarchy, pull with the meshwork. Organisation and market, too? Maybe.) ([TO FIND] Somewhere in this book it says that environmental niches are created by other species, so it just complexifies and doesn't fill up. Not sure where though, maybe later.) # p150 On the design of social systems, and figuring out who to consider: """ The architect need not decide if the funds the client wants to spend for a house would be better spent, from society's standpoint, on housing for low-income families. The physician need not ask whether society would be better off if the patient were dead. Thus the traditional definition of the professional's role is highly compatible with bounded rationality, which is most comfortable with problems having clear-cut and limited goals. """ "Bounded rationality" sounds a *little* like Tesugen's "constrained universe[s] of expression". But why is this? I guess it's essential we define an information space that takes advantage of locality -- or, given that space exists anyway, that we take advantage of it and go with the flow. It's very conduit metaphor though, very industrial mindset. A physician being a cog in a machine. And in fact people *don't* do that. They're principled and have regards for society: but this is just a *perturbation* to the decision first suggested by their most local information. Hm. # p157 Distant events and discounting the future: """ Thus the events and prospective events that enter into our value systems are all dated, and the importance we attach to them generally drops off sharply with their distance in time. For the creatures of bounded rationality that we are, this is fortunate. If our decisions depended equally upon their remote and their proximate consequences, we could never act but would be forever lost in thought. By applying a heavy discount factor to events, attenuating them with their remoteness is time and space, we reduce our problems of choice to a size commensurate with our limited computing capabilities. """ And the psychological consequences of this: """ There is a vast literature seeking to explain, none too convincingly, what determines the time rate of discount used by savers. (In modern times it has hovered remarkably steadily around 3 percent per annum, after appropriate adjustment for risk and inflation.) There is also a considerable literature seeking to determine what the social rate of interest should be -- what the rate of exchange should be between the welfare of this generation and the welfare of its descendants. """ # p163 """ Each step of implementation created a new situation; and the new situation provided a starting point for fresh design activity. Making complex designs that are implemented over a long period of time and continually modified in the course of implementation has much in common with painting in oil. In oil painting every new spot of pigment laid on the canvas creates some kind of pattern that provides a continuing source of ideas to the painter. The painting process is a process of cyclical interaction between painter and canvas in which current goals lead to new applications of paint, while the gradually changing pattern suggests new goals. The Starting Point The idea of final goals is inconsistent with our limited ability to foretell or determine the future. The real result of our actions is to establish initial conditions for the next succeeding course of action. What we call "final" goals are in fact criteria for choosing the initial conditions that we will leave to our successors. """ # p169 Conceptions of complexity: """ This century has seen recurrent bursts of interest in complexity and complex systems. An early eruption, after World War I, gave birth to the term "holism," and to interest in "Gestalts" and "creative evolution." In a second major eruption, after World War II, the favorite terms were "information," "feedback," "cybernetics," and "general systems." In the current eruption, complexity is often associated with "chaos," "adaptive systems," "genetic algorithms," and "cellular automata." While sharing a concern for complexity, the three eruptions selected different aspects of the complex for special attention. The post-WWI interest in complexity, focusing on the claim that the whole transcends the sum of the parts, was strongly anti-reductionist in flavor. The post-WWII outburst was rather neutral on the issue of reductionism, focusing on the roles of feedback and homeostasic (self-stabilization) in maintaining complex systems. The current interest in complexity focuses mainly on mechanisms that create and sustain complexity and on analytic tools for describing and analyzing it. """ So if the internet is a long echo from the WWII interest (cybernetics) - which, incidentally, explains why the sudden interest in terms from that time (power law) because we're discovering the features now that were originally built (folded) in - what are we going to do in the aftermath of *this* complexity mindset? # p187 (Hierarchies are defined on p184. It's all about control.) """ There is one important different between the physical and biological hierarchies, on the one hand, and the social heirarchies, on the other. Most physical and biological hierarchies are described in spatial terms. We detect the organelles in a cell in the way we detect raisins in a cake -- they are "visibily" differentiated substructures localized spatially in the larger structure. On the other hand, we propose to identify social hierarchies not by observing who lives close to whom but by observing who interacts with whom. These two points of view can be conconciled by defining hierarchy in terms of intensity of interaction, but observing that in most biological and physical systems relatively intense interaction implies relative spatial propinquity. One of the interesting characteristics of nerve cells and telephone wires is that they permit very specific strong interactions at great distances. To the extent that interactions are channeled through specialized communications and transportation systems, spatial propinquity becomes less determinative of structure. """ (Distance is the half-life of causality! And, clustering is a matter of what *moves together*. And, the telegraph as a push system, and push as a water ford rather than a bridge? For things to be *actually* close, for it *actually* to be a proper wormhole, the wormhole must be extremely high bandwidth, to the point that things can cross over - within limits - without actually noticing. A proper wormhole must allow unintended consequences (pull) of the same type you'd get in the real world.) # p189 Entropy, information and the speed of evolution, in the footnote: """ entropy is the logarithm of a probability; hence information, the negative of entropy, can be interpreted as the logarithm of the reciprocal of the probability -- the "improbability," so to speak. The essential idea in Jabobson's model is that the expected time required for the system to reach a particular state is inversely proportional to the probability of the state -- hence it increases exponentially with the amount of information (negentropy) of the state. """ I'm trying to figure out the entropy of a network. The thing is, it's not just connections. That's really simple, and give the relation above and that the network could be radio, could figure out the entropy. But what about paths? Like, a connection defines a vector and the vector points somewhere and that changes the probability? Especially if there's a whole path. And if paths, then branes of all dimensions. Hm. # p204 On the subject of "near composability" (or, shapes. The fact that things offer a standardised interface which is optimised on either side when two things interface together a lot): """ It is probably true that in social as in physical systems the higher-frequency dynamics are associated with the subsystems and the lower-frequency dynamics with the larger systems. It is generally believed, for example, that the relevant planning horizon of executives is longer, the higher their location in the origanizational hierarchy. It is probably also true that both the average duration of an interaction between executives and the average interval between interactions are greater at higher than lower levels. """ (that started on p203 where it also said you talk to your friends a lot, but don't have too many. And gave physical examples too, like atomic and molecular bonding.) """ Intracomponent linkages are generally stronger than intercomponent linkages. This fact has the effect of separating the high-frequency dynamics of a heirarchy -- involving the internal structure of the components -- from the low-frequency dynamics -- involving interaction among components. """ Again, this is a very industrial way of putting things, but the point is that the shape of an interface must take into account the shape of the processes and the dynamics it's involved in: """ An organ performs a specific set of functions, each usually requiring continual interaction among its component parts (a sequence of chemical reactions, say, each step employing a particular enzyme for its execution). It draws raw materials from other parts of the organism and delivers products to other parts, but these input and output processes depend only in an aggregate way on what is occurring within each specific organ. Like a business firm in an economic market, each organ can perform its functions in blissful ignorance of the detail of activity in other organs, """ (I'm not sure really whether I buy this. If the organ was heavier, that would change things. If it demanded more resources during growth, that would change things. Surely it's not just spatially local in its effects?) # p209 """ If a complex structure is completely unredundant -- if no aspect of its structure can be inferred from any other -- then it is its own simplest description. We can exhibit it, but we cannot describe it by a simpler structure. The hierarchic structures we have been discussing have a high degree of redundancy, hence can often be described in economical terms. The redundancy takes a number of forms, of which I shall mention three: 1. Hierarchic systems are usually composed of only a few different kinds of subsystems in various combinations and arrangements. A familiar example is the proteins, their multitudinous variety arising from arrangements of only twenty different amino acids. Similarly the ninety-odd elements provide all the kinds of building blocks needed for an infinite variety of molecules. Hence we can construct our description from a restricted alphabet of elementary terms corresponding to the basic set of elementary subsystems from which the complex system is generated. 2. Hierarchic systems are, as we have seen, often nearly decomposable. Hence only aggregative properties of their parts enter into the description of the interactions of those pars. A generalization of the notion of near decomposability might be called the "empty world hypothesis" -- most things are only weakly connection with most other things; for a tolerable description of reality only a tiny fraction of all possible interactions needs to be taken into account. By adopting a descriptive language that allows the absence of something to go unmentioned, a nearly empty world can be described quite concisely. Mother Hubbard did not have to check off the list of possible contents to say that her cupboard was bare. 3. By appropriate "recoding," the redundancy that is present but unobvious in the structure of a complex system can often be made patent. The commonest recoding of descriptions of dynamics systems consists in replacing a description of the time path with a description of a differential law that generates that path. The simplicity resides in a constant relation between the state of the system at any given time and the state of the system a short time later. Thus the structure of the sequence 1 3 5 7 9 11 ... is most simply expressed by observing that each member is obtained by adding 2 to the previous one. But this is the sequence that Galileo found to describe the velocity at the end of successive time intervals of a ball rolling down an inclined plane. It is a familiar proposition that the task of science is to make use of the world's redundancy to describe that world simply. """ (Here's a thing. When I say 'maximally complex' I don't mean 'completely unredundant'.) (In 1, it certainly seems the case that subsystems fall into fewer identical classes than aggregate systems: eg plutonium is plutonium, but spiral galaxies are all different. That seems to be the case in chemistry, in linguistics, in sociology. Does life best exist at this level (if it's true), or is this appearance just an illusion based on point of view, like things further away looking smaller?) (In 2, the descriptive language Simon posits is one that works on interfaces rather than knowing the endpoints of each statement/wormhole. It's something that computers are very bad at because they don't have a conception of locality or distance: if you had a list of items and you wanted to say they were in a cupboard you'd have to alter each one so it could state true or false whether it was in the cupboard or not (ah, computers have trinary logic. They're inherantly 'null' to any question. Whereas real life is more like the game Go: by deciding on a new question, you can have something fall into the true or false camp without even knowing what or where it i.) -- this is the problem object orientation tries to solve, but it falls prey to its own conduit metaphor problems.)