2003-04-23 Rolling ETCon notes f8dy said on IRC that the worst thing for RSS was all these standalone RSS readers. Why? Nice quote (from the DRM panel): isn't the problem that the lack of friction on the internet is challenging money ..which is essentially a bridge (a friction bridge) ...all the copyright stuff is just trying to reintroduce friction to save money's ass [cough] IRC log: [09:51] http://www.danger-island.com/~dav/etcon/ShowLog.jsp (only started after the Smart Mobs talk) Also nice: zool, wbsters has this -> The science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and government of a nation or state, the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity, the defense of its existence and rights against foreign in IM: blackbeltjones01: i'm trying to find an etymology of the word "politics" that connects it to architecture there's a kind of continuity here folk <- thing itself -> rhetoric so politics is a rhetoric, maybe like architecture (architecture is group gestures, in terms of literacy) mjones is going to point me to resources about Place dr. simon unwin: "an architecture notebook" also good, on "why are we clapping?" clapping was involuntary response to voice inflections http://www.vintagecalculators.com/html/sumlock_anita.html -- first desktop calculator, via muxway as people get used to multiple input streams, output streams become updirected. it doesn't matter who listens: just speak/ broadcast. The guy who's doing the turing talk: http://www.coherenceengine.com/blog/ and background reading: http://www.cbi.cgey.com/pub/docs/Software_Nobility.pdf http://www.coherenceengine.com/blog/2003_04_01_archive.html#92869517 "Arguably, the single greatest success that computer science has had, and the single greatest contribution to society, is one really good protocol. The fundamental insight of the IP protocol stack--indeed, the idea of a protocol stack--and the distributed, end-to-end design of the Internet have transformed, and continue to transform, society. This architecture, known as end-to-end, places the burden of functionality at the endpoints, rather than in the network. As a side effect, the Internet is built on top of an unreliable, failure-prone layer. This architecture has provided significant advantages. The Internet is resilient to failure, is amazingly scalable (from hundreds to hundreds of millions of nodes), is supportive of an astounding degree of innovation. Can this architecture be applied to software? Software suffers usually suffers failure if even a single module fails; it generally scales poorly, and is brittle in respect to new uses. If only software could be written end-to-end, it might be able to perform as well as the Internet." how could protocol stacks continue? could the stacked protocols be included in email headers, or in various ways, and then the application to handle that particular protocol be manifested when noticed? so another protocol can build on top of email. problem is at the moment: mime types are sort of in the correct direction, but it needs to stack better. continue into the application space. Oh, another thing to remember! In Chinese, everything is verbs: it's not "table" it's "taaaable". Need to get ns's notes on this. ==== From yesterday's notes: things i talked about with machinelake: - guy who wrote balance of power is writing a game without verbs. wrote two books, and is currently writing a game that starts with e. - grassroots weblog proxy thing from 1996 links to both of the above in machinelake archives And another thing from yesterday: Gordon Moore records everything, if he reads a book, he sends it to India to be keyed, records all phone calls, etc. only got 30gb of data stored so far.