The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

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The air is filled with endless images of the objects distributed in
it; and all are represented in all, and all in one, and all in each,
whence it happens that if two mirrors are placed in such a manner as
to face each other exactly, the first will be reflected in the
second and the second in the first. The first being reflected in the
second takes to it the image of itself with all the images
represented in it, among which is the image of the second mirror,
and so, image within image, they go on to infinity in such a manner
as that each mirror has within it a mirror, each smaller than the
last and one inside the other. Thus, by this example, it is clearly
proved that every object sends its image to every spot whence the
object itself can be seen; and the converse: That the same object
may receive in itself all the images of the objects that are in
front of it. Hence the eye transmits through the atmosphere its own
image to all the objects that are in front of it and receives them
into itself, that is to say on its surface, whence they are taken in
by the common sense, which considers them and if they are pleasing
commits them to the memory. Whence I am of opinion: That the
invisible images in the eyes are produced towards the object, as the
image of the object to the eye. That the images of the objects must
be disseminated through the air. An instance may be seen in several
mirrors placed in a circle, which will reflect each other endlessly.
When one has reached the other it is returned to the object that
produced it, and thence--being diminished--it is returned again to
the object and then comes back once more, and this happens
endlessly. If you put a light between two flat mirrors with a
distance of 1 braccio between them you will see in each of them an
infinite number of lights, one smaller than another, to the last. If
at night you put a light between the walls of a room, all the parts
of that wall will be tinted with the image of that light. And they
will receive the light and the light will fall on them, mutually,
that is to say, when there is no obstacle to interrupt the
transmission of the images. This same example is seen in a greater
degree in the distribution of the solar rays which all together, and
each by itself, convey to the object the image of the body which
causes it. That each body by itself alone fills with its images the
atmosphere around it, and that the same air is able, at the same
time, to receive the images of the endless other objects which are
in it, this is clearly proved by these examples. And every object is
everywhere visible in the whole of the atmosphere, and the whole in
every smallest part of it; and all the objects in the whole, and all
in each smallest part; each in all and all in every part.

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