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Page 282 of 1565.
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That side of an object in light and shade which is towards the light
transmits the images of its details more distinctly and immediately
to the eye than the side which is in shadow.
The solar rays reflected on a square mirror will be thrown back to
distant objects in a circular form.
Any white and opaque surface will be partially coloured by
reflections from surrounding objects.
[Footnote 281. 282: The title line of these chapters is in the
original simply _"pro"_, which may be an abbreviation for either
_Propositione_ or _Prospettiva_--taking Prospettiva of course in its
widest sense, as we often find it used in Leonardo's writings. The
title _"pro"_ has here been understood to mean _Prospettiva_, in
accordance with the suggestion afforded by page 10b of this same
MS., where the first section is headed _Prospettiva_ in full (see
No. 94), while the four following sections are headed merely _"pro"_
(see No. 85).]