The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

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Page 234 of 1565.
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Why objects seen at a distance appear large to the eye and in the
image on the vertical plane they appear small.


I ask how far away the eye can discern a non-luminous body, as, for
instance, a mountain. It will be very plainly visible if the sun is
behind it; and could be seen at a greater or less distance according
to the sun's place in the sky.

[Footnote: The clue to the solution of this problem (lines 1-3) is
given in lines 4-6, No. 232. Objects seen with both eyes appear
solid since they are seen from two distinct points of sight
separated by the distance between the eyes, but this solidity cannot
be represented in a flat drawing. Compare No. 535.]

The importance of light and shade in the perspective of
disappearance (235-239).

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