5 posts tagged weather
Newest posts first.
Dragonfly drones and orthogonal invention
21.35, Wednesday 7 Oct 2020 (streak: 28 weeks)
898 words, 4 links
Has 3 follow-up posts
Tagged: weather -
Ancient magicians as innovation consultants. Also birds
19.51, Monday 5 Oct 2020 (streak: 28 weeks)
758 words, 5 links
Has 2 follow-up posts
Tagged: functional-divination, speculative-in-2020, taking-magic-seriously, the-ancient-world-is-now, weather -
Augmented reality should use magic mirrors, not glasses
15.17, Wednesday 2 Sep 2020 (streak: 23 weeks)
1,069 words, 9 links
Tagged: taking-magic-seriously, weather -
Space, weather, and other novel battlegrounds
21.12, Tuesday 30 Jun 2020 (streak: 14 weeks)
763 words, 8 links
Has 4 follow-up posts
Tagged: space, weather -
How about hyperlocal pandemic forecasting
19.39, Tuesday 12 May 2020 (streak: 7 weeks)
867 words, 8 links
Has 1 follow-up post
Tagged: speculative-in-2020, weather