14may2002 Internet OS http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/et2002/view/e_sess/2396 human scale storage: now thinking about storing everything that happens to me, and maybe even carry it task vs program? query vs hierarchy? --> almost at the point where voice is as good as typing, he says. hmm. ooh, there's a dll with windows to do text parsing! things like NP1 and NOUN2 -- deep object, modifiers. extractable! i wonder how programs can do this? they've got their own version of "http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/" called mindnet. "quack" "is caused by" a "duck", would be one link in there for example. see: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=microsoft+mindnet and http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/research/ucrel/public/1035.html longer paper: http://research.microsoft.com/scripts/pubs/view.asp?TR_ID=MSR-TR-98-23 basic link: http://research.microsoft.com/nlp/tell_me_about_yourself.asp --> askMSR: automatic question answerer from microsoft. prototype, research thing. type in a nat lang question. it actually plucks out answers, rather than chunks of text from resources. eg "who is head of ms research", 6 answers with "rich rashid 26%" being the top. (okay, so they're talking loads about linguistic analysis, patterns of text, etc to sort mail. all this stuff would be *really* good if it wasn't bundled up with the applications and the OS. why don't they sit in like procmail?) some interesting stuff about how to alert you to things. there are loads of inputs (mail, etc). by collecting contextual information (webcam: are you in conversation, mic, etc), can judge how to prioritise input for you, and change the output? (it's a reverse scaling problem. works brilliants at 100% effectiveness, and progressively less good with less effectiveness. so we'll never get there. i'd never use it at 50% because all my stuff would get lost. classic problem of how to get to utopia) * continuous execution: event driven vs explicit command event driven is like standing information requests or filters on always changing data --> lifestreams [not that he said that] basic idea is to: create a document + everything about it, collaboratively. instead of just using word and creating a doc. --> [opendoc] traditionally os are location based: file, folder, service but people more naturally think in associations, queries - data ref'd by query (ie contents) not location - and some other stuff i didn't catch so he's saying: let's make everything a search: what have i seen? what is related? how are the things i'm working on changing? (i think this is a distraction. yes, this is useful ---- but we need to have multiple ways of referencing things, right? surface structure and deep structure. stuff on my desk has a location AND associations, in the physical world and my head. both, surely?? and THAT'S why location stuff works so well -- i store the associations myself) so now he's mentioning the os being sql, so you can query it by contents easily now he's saying it should keep copies of everything you see HANG ON (i say) why does anything change at all? why not keep histories of everything? how do you do ui the way people think? deep history dynamic org -- views associations demo ui which is a text box at the top of the page -- you type and it helps you type, names, etc. so everything has a way of searching, etc. syntax? wow. cui. also, calender etc, very insider the os. working on a document, and associated documents kind of float on the right hand side, and tooltips over recognised people names float with info. "ultimate smart tags" conversational user interfaces mentioned here: http://research.microsoft.com/adapt/ http://research.microsoft.com/adapt/conversation/ ways of modelling the people who are associated with you kind of querying the lifestream says jones as a paradigm: he's saying that web services are query driven, so this fits very well keywords: event driven execution, data focus, self-describing data (as opposed to implicit data definition, which is unix apparently), self running programs [that's demons, from unix surely?], differences for people: 3d, linguistics, maps, all allowed interfaces. ===== thought about ZUIs: what we saw [zoomable ui] was a reconception of the text document, nothing higher than that. the hypertext/transpublishing bit is kind of being built into that. but the www comes much much later.