2005-10-07 Stock Markets and Virtual Worlds """ This special session will look at the financial speculation and experimentation going on in virtual worlds. From player-created in-world stock exchanges to public companies engaging in virtual real estate speculation, virtual worlds are home to a raft of new financial schemes and opportunities. This panel examines the rise of virtual securities. Can an exchange flourish without enforcement? """ http://www.nyls.edu/pages/3367.asp [this isn't your usual in-game economics panel: one issue that's on the agenda is how you build an in-game legal system.] there's a neopets stockmarket, with random pricing not based on real-world events. what is this teaching children? [these corporations inside eve online and second life... we've already abstracted from manufacture to the service economy. this is one step abstracted again.] on the consequences of breaking contracts in second life: the repercussions are to go with having a persistent identity for landownings, etc. questioner now talking about grass roots elements of civil society which are now important institutions online (she's a SL rentals magnate): - nota bene, hashmarked documents that can't even be changed by linden labs, have helped - consumer associations to combat fraud she says that what is needed is courts, and until then it's just a game. the answerer is saying that the market will sort this out. different games will declare different things as fraud, and the market will sort it out. [i'm not sure i agree, but i don't see an alternative.]