2005-03-16 rolling notes book: Darwin Among the Machines, by Dyson # market of one vs the homeland china. two big trends. another trend: geek introspection is hitting the mainstream. people like to know the narrative behind the world that surrounds them. and we're illuminating more of the human world as we go along. # jimmy wales: http://www.wikicities.com/wiki/Wikicities "conceived as the social computing successor to 'free homepages'" # folk tags talk: joshua saying there's a natural level for tags. not "computers" because everything is that; not something really specific, because that's only one thing. so something inbetween. and interestingly, that's like the brain and landmarks. there are certain things that we all understand are potential landmarks. # wisdom of crowds talk: ants drop formic acid so that they have a mechanism for getting smarter together. humans are not ants because we have no such mechanism. [which is totally disagree with. automaticity is precisely this--we tend to follow the paths of those around us, very complex intellectual paths too.] [and, from an ants perspective, are they really doing the smartest thing? are there things ants could do that would be smarter if they had the planning module?] humans are imitation machines. it's a quick and dirty heuristic that works quite well. [ah, okay, i forgive him :) although the imitation that's interesting is not that we assume "lots of people doing something makes it worthwhile" (standing on street corners and looking up), it's that imitation goes all the way down the chain, minute by minute stuff.] economists call [something] an information cascade.