2003-08-27 Automatically Sharing Web Experiences through a Hyperdocument Recommender System http://www.ht03.org/papers/pdfs/6.pdf Abstract from http://www.ht03.org/papers/ "As an approach that applies not only to the support user navigation on the web, recommender systems have been built to assist and augment the natural social process of asking for recommendations from other people. In a typical recommender system, people provide recommendations as inputs, which the system aggregates and directs to appropriate recipients. In some cases, the primary transformation is in the aggregation; in others the value of the system lies in its ability to make good matches between the recommenders and those seeking recommendations. In this paper we discuss architectural and design features of WebMemex, a system that (a) provides recommended information based on capturing the history of navigation from a list of people well-known to the users --- including the users themselves, (b) allows the user to have access from any networked machine, (c) demands user authentication to access the repository of recommendations, and (d) allows the user to specify when capturing of her history should be performed." * INTRODUCTION Two 'finding' problems: - on the www . search engines require users to formulate appropriate queries . local browsing context can help refine queries (good thing) - previous information . bookmarks: tied to browsers, machines [in a sense these are problems that weblogs are trying to solve, cf weblog as "web filter", weblog as "outboard brain"] Recommender systems help users when searching: . augment . users are better at recognising good results than machines * WEBMEMEX . captures users www activity, continuously . this is shared with people the user knows, but the capture can be explicitly disabled [the physics of these systems change the game theory landscape and will unfold into a different set of ethics. what sort of ethics will come from this?] it's architected as a web proxy which captures web pages, linking them in an internal database. related pages are presented back to the user in a separate window. the proxy deals with authentication so it knows it's you: not tied to a single machine. for groups there are general recommendations included in the list presented back to each user. [sharing is two-way at the moment. it would be interesting to be able to allow your stuff to be shared, but not be worried about who's sharing it. a publish, broadcast model. although, having subscribers and your browsing being influenced by the general browsing of your subscribers, that would be interesting.] * RELATED WORK . SIFT - users provide keywords and profiles . Letizia, WebWatcher, Margin Notes, QuickStep - infer user prefs from user-browsing behaviour . MEMOIR - aims at finding users, not documents - mines user's trails (treated as first-class objects) . WebMemex - recommendations from trusted users - navigation history - required proper filtering for good results A few notes: - There's a reference to Englebart/Bush "Collective IQ" - for future work, what can they do with the data now? It's been used by groups (2 groups of 4 people) for a whole semester. There's something valuable in there? - it's available for download, information on the paper Questions: - interesting one. A url that's recommended is likely to be a short distance away from where you are currently, have you done any measurement of how far away urls tend to be? Answer: no, but they need more data. [It's an interesting point. How often are people really close to what they'd like to see, but don't stumble across it?] == Rumblings: Old notes on a similar topic... 2003-01-14 Personal web proxy links Some related links on personal web proxies: http://www.dataficial.com/projects/clickstream/ http://mestream.sourceforge.net/ http://matt.griffith.com/weblog/stories/2002/12/22/ jogMyPersonalGoogleampWaybackMachine.html http://www.decafbad.com/news_archives/000090.phtml http://www.decafbad.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/PersonalServer http://www.decafbad.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/PersonalWebProxy And as far as building one goes, will this help? http://www.macmegasite.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=597 (local Apache proxy. Grab what goes by it?) 2003-03-12 http://www.decafbad.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/AgentFrank And lots linked from there (including Aaron Schwartz' one)