2003-07-23 Weblog as conversation plusplus To augment the weblog: When emailing someone about a post of theirs, cc it to a special kind of email address on your own weblog. Structure your email, slightly, so that the permalink of their post is at the top, and maybe the subject of the email is the title. Then this email posts itself to your weblog, and the conversation is in the open. For extra points, don't just cc your comment to the special address: . send the email To this special address, include the other weblog's email address in the structured email somehow . the special address takes the email and: - posts the item to your weblog - sets up email commenting on that post - rewrites the email, adding the permalink of the post to the bottom and removing the email address - sends the email to the included email address, but as if it's from the email commenting address, so any subsequent replies are treated as more comments