2003-07-03 Parts, distance, relativity p73 of Against Method the rock stays with the tower, why? or rather, why is our folk physics wrong? something to do with the way we divide things into *parts*, that's really tricky so we solve it gradually by assuming a kind of inheritance, or rather the system of parts we have mean that we have to assume a kind of inheritance in our worldview for everything to start making sense um maybe it's this because we divide the world into parts there is the *appearance* of qualities of bits of the world leaking into each other; we're initially mislead and we solve the problem by some form of relativity (the rock inherits the movement of the tower because they are both moving round the earth), but that itself leads to problems, etc all because our chunking into parts - critical part of *naming*, semantic handles - causes problems (mostly i have respect for folk psychology, folk physics, etc. they're pretty good. actually, i need a new word here. 'folk' is good for understandings of the way the universe works, but i need something closer to how things are conceptualised, or rather how the folk X is used in implicature, when the meaning of X doubles back and helps the brain make an assumption: so distance meaning causality evaporation is one of these. something to do with parts is another.) anyway, we chunk badly, then at some level of complexity introducing relativity/inheritence because important: this happens *locally* (that is, over small distance) (it's important to remember here that distance is measured by an ordered list of difference. the more steps of difference things are, the more distance is between them. but the things themselves can't be compared: just whether they are ranked before or after each other) in software architecture: code was fine for a while, then lots of it came around and we observed that things would *move* together (there was not much distance between them, transformations would propagate. think of the snowflakes again: how would they be clustered? you can't cluster them as the edges of the clusters are too weak, but occassionally slabs of snow *move* together. like that). so we needed to introduce relatively. or rather, build it in to help code close together to move together, so things wouldn't break. this is object orientation: a misconception of relativity that says that things inherit. i wonder how often this problem with virtual worlds/ this pattern has been experienced? and what is its analogue in cyberspace (it's not the addressing scheme, that's not the distance involved. think about how the parts are chunked.)