2003-04-24 Rolling ETCon notes IRC log of the Gonzo mapping session http://www.picdiary.com/~mattb/misc/gonzocollab.log (via the Pants chump http://pants.heddley.com/ ) Mathematical modelling of families "Every Unhappy Family Has Its Own Bilinear Influence Function" http://chronicle.com/free/v49/i33/33a01401.htm via boingboing [should get these guys to model the social software community] Good morning Tesugen links: http://tesugen.com/2003/04/24.html#rpgwritingbroadside -- looks like I should read "Style: Towards Clarity and Grace" http://tesugen.com/2002/04/24.html#alanwattsthebook -- Alan Watts on "Place". Place, I think, has to be my new topic So we're all feeling pretty mindblown after Kay, but what I said stands: if we're so cross-discipline, and we've read our stuff, what a thought experiment it would be to create the ideal *thing*, interface etc, and see what happens. See what we come up with. I mean, the tech is easy -- it's all there, done before. It's all about constraints. This stuff is small because they design it for *people*. We shouldn't do those other crazy abstraction layers -- we're not going to have to port these apps to alien cultures. These should be *good*. Cory's notes on Alan Kay: http://craphound.com/kayetcon2003 O'Reilly with Alan Kay http://www.openp2p.com/pub/a/p2p/2003/04/03/alan_kay.html And the Cartographic Congress: http://twenteenthcentury.com/uo/index.php/CartographicCongress http://www.dollarshort.org/archives/000862.html -- believing in the weblog medium