5dec2002 Papanek's function complex (I drew this ages ago, copied from the front of Design For The Real World.) Papanek measures good design by what he calls the function complex, a measure that includes six points all of which have to be catered for for good design. METHOD: * tools * materials * processes __-+-__ __-- --__ __-- --__ -- -- USE: + + ASSOCIATION: * as tool | | * family & early * as comm- | | environment unication | F U N C T I O N | * education * as symbol | | * culture | | | | TELESIS: + + AESTHETICS: * nature --__ __-- * gestalt * society --__ __-- * perception * technological --__ __-- * eidetic & biosocial bias -+- 'givens' NEED: * survival * identity * goal formation Sorry, no yin-yang monads, but I'm not that good at ascii art.